Thursday, January 21, 2016

letter from Ron Kadish

Hi Claudio,
Sam grew up as one of the few noticeable immigrants in a small town, just wanting to fit in.  It worked for a while, but tranquility isn’t soothing or simplistic and eventually Sam's heritage caught up with him.

Sam returned to his birth name, Sundar Viswanathan, and music turned from a way to map out the inner thoughts of an introvert to the way towards embracing an identity.

Serious jazz creds (Dave Holland and Rez Abassi among others have counted on Sundar's sax chops) and serious study led to serious compositional chops. They coalesce on Petal, the April 8 release from Avataar, Sundar's stellar Ontario-based band. Combining Indian Classical and Jazz influences with ambient and electric experiments, the music reflects the brevity and intensity that is life.

Let me know if I can send you a copy of Petal. As always if you prefer the 1's and 0's, just click here:

Avataar - The Intuitive Shape of Impermanence: Saxophonist Sundar Viswanathan’s Avataar Suggests Beauty’s Brief Bloom on Petal

Avataar, composer Viswanathan's project, explores the intersections between Indian classical music and jazz, ambient music and electric experiments. Substantial and technically astounding, Petal is a dynamic anthem dedicated to life’s brevity and intensity, merging Western and South Asian structures and sounds.

Best, Ron

ron kadish publicist

rock paper scissors, inc.
511 west 4th street, suite 2, bloomington, indiana  47404 usa