Monday, January 18, 2016

Jazz History ....

Dear Readers and Friends of Jazz History,

- The photograph on page 54 of Jazz Puzzles Volume 2, dated 1913, was actually taken between 1927 and 1929. Hence, the little boy in the circle cannot be Louis Armstrong, as erroneously indicated on the original photograph. 

- Since we published JP2 two major findings surfaced, too late to be integrated in our work:

- an article showing the Waif's Home band playing in the play "The White Slave" at the Crescent Theatre in November 1913;

- an article with a photograph (below) showing three musicians of the Waif's band at a 1913 Christmas party,
two of them being, in our opinion, Henry René and Louis Armstrong.

- We also found a photograph by Villard Paddio, showing the 1929 band.
You can read a piece about these sensational discoveries on:

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