Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Camila Inês....

Camila Ines will make th following musical presentations:
5/jul - in Brasilia (only one presentation) it will be in the Bookstore Culture of Brasilia, in the Shopping House Park.
12/jul, 9/ago, 20/set - in São Paulo will begin, shows in the Bookstore Culture of the Shopping Bourbon.
Shows will be carried through to divulge the new COMPACT DISC, that will be launched soon, intitled Jazzmine. In the COMPACT DISC they had been recorded classics of the jazz, that had consecrated singers and instrumentistas, everything in language contemporary, with grooves and modern elements. To direct the COMPACT DISC I invited the pianista Ed Staudinger and the baterista Misael Barros. The two are musicians of great experience and great knowledge of the musical language of years 70, 80, jazz and sambajazz. Everything this, mixed with my fort influences of the Cool Jazz. The result? soon you will hear…