Thursday, September 5, 2013

Barbara Dennerlein interviewed in Larino / Upcoming Concerts

Intervista di Maurizio Cavaliere alla straordinaria musicista tedesca, virtuosa e regina mondiale dell'hammond, a poche ore dal concerto di Larino. Sotto la Cattedrale di Larino tutta la grazia di una donna fuori dal comune.

Upcoming Concerts

Barbara performs at the 7. Muggia Jazz Festival in Italy on September 8. Muggia in the Trieste region and next to Slovenia has a picturesque downtown that gives a special atmosphere to this festival. The Barbara Dennerlein duo performs on the Piazza Principale or at the Teatro Verdi.

On October 18 in Münster/Germany at the LBS Foyer - Barbara Dennerlein performs solo and together with the duo Netzer-Scheytt.

A Hammond duo concert is scheduled on November 3 in Plüderhausen/Germany at the "Theaterbrettle".

In December Barbara travels to Muscat/Sultanate of Oman to perform a duo concert on the opera house's Klais concert organ on December 19.

You will find the complete tour list below.