Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Music review: Scottish Chamber Orchestra, City Halls, Glasgow

Music review: Scottish Chamber Orchestra, City Halls, Glasgow
SCO conductor Robin Ticciati

Keith Bruce, Arts Editor
IT has become a commonplace now that principal conductor Robin Ticciati extends the repertoire of the SCO into realms previously the sphere of the symphony orchestra, but this programme was all that from start to finish. And what a finish. The performance of Beethoven's Seventh that brought the concert and the SCO's City Hall season to a close was revelatory, to employ another over-worked term.

The conductor's vision of the piece was compellingly fresh, with bold use of silence in the run up to the main theme, and an original vision of both the dynamics and the rhythms of the work that made it breath anew. If the sound of Alec Frank-Gemmill's horn section was particularly fine, that implies no lower standard across the band, all the way to the pin-sharp precision of Matthew Hardy's tympani.

read more at: http://www.heraldscotland.com/arts_ents/15284378.Music_review__Scottish_Chamber_Orchestra__City_Halls__Glasgow/