Tuesday, April 25, 2017

#ArtHodes and The Metropolitan Revue

 · by Andy Lanset

Jazz pianist, publisher and educator Art Hodes (1904-1993) took over hosting WNYC's Metropolitan Revue jazz show from Ralph Berton on April 6, 1942. The weekday broadcast specialized in playing jazz records by pioneering musicians. The longer Saturday broadcasts showcased many of the same performers live in the studio. Among them: Eddie Condon, Max Kaminsky, Pee Wee Russell, Brad Gowans, Bill Davison, George Wettling, Miff Mole, Tony Parenti, Mezzrow, Red Allen, James P. Johnson, Leadbelly and Charles 'Cow Cow' Davenport.
Writing in the December 1972 Esquire magazine, Hodes described his year-long stint as host and disc-jockey.
Lunch is on you; so is carfare.  They do furnish the needle.  You bring your own records. But if you want the music to live you got to do somethin' about it.  So there I am; a six-day week.[1]
Hodes would later expand on this in his 1992 memoir explaining the half-hour weekday slot and hour-long Saturday afternoon shows.
read more at:http://www.wnyc.org/story/art-hodes/