Thursday, January 7, 2016

Darius Jones

"The birth of the Man’ish Boy is truly the birth of the love of music." - Norman Cahn, I Care If You Listen

"4-Stars. Today, he demonstrates that his musical persona will not be easily pigeonholed." - DOWNBEAT, Alain Drouot

"...with expressive glissandi as opulently sensual as that of Johnny Hodges, and a knack for flipping innocent melodic utterances into lines fraught with chancy harmonic and rhythmic ambiguities, Jones's concept is proudly his own. This record poses big questions about the relationship between the African-American tradition of spirituals, blues and gospel, and now." - THE WIRE, Philip Clark
"4-Stars: Jones' playing and composing may have some of the mercurial energy associated with the avant-garde but the communicative immediacy of African-American folk traditions stands like a bedrock in his work. Like all players that matter, Jones brings a lived-in, wizened quality to his performances, as if he knows something not just of black diasporan musical traditions but of the lives behind them.Kevin LeGendre, Jazzwise

"Darius Jones has the capacity for a proud, rafters-raising tone on alto saxophone, and as an improviser he's fearless but disciplined. Man'ish Boy (A Raw & Beautiful Thing) is a robustly accomplished debut that confirms not only the blunt fact of his arrival but also the ceaseless vitality of his chosen tradition. Akeen awareness of that tradition underpins the album, for reasons of spirit and style. Mr. Jones, who is in his early 30s, wisely teamed up with a pair of sympathetic mentors .. Their interaction is open-hearted and intense .. it adds up to a powerfully soulful blend.- THE NEW YORK TIMES, Nate Chinen