Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dot Time Records ....


Dot Time Records at JazzAhead

Once again Dot Time Records will have a large pres­ence at Jaz­zA­head in Bre­men. Apart from a stand at the Jaz­zA­head “Trade Show” we will be tak­ing over Bre­men’s jazz boat “De Liefde” and pre­sent­ing “Dot Time Live” dur­ing the Club-night on Sat­ur­day 25th of April.
Dur­ing the evening we will pre­sent a num­ber of Dot Time artists who will per­form music from there cur­rent and up-com­ing re­leases. The pro­gram is:
8:00pm Theo Jack­son. Theo will play music from his new CD “Shoe­less and the Girl”. After the highly suc­cess­ful Album launch at St James The­atre last week, Theo will make his con­ti­nen­tal debut.
9:00pm Paul Jost. Paul Jost has been cre­at­ing waves in the USA since the re­lease of his 1st solo CD “Break­ing Through” gain­ing rave re­views and play­ing to sold out rooms. His per­for­mance at Jaz­zA­head will mark his Eu­ro­pean debut. Per­form­ing with Paul will be Dot Time artists Marcin Losik (Piano), Mark Zand­veld (Bass). Guest­ing with Paul will be Man­hat­tan Trans­fer co-founder Erin Dick­ins.
10:00pm Hadar Noiberg Trio. Cur­rently on tour in Eu­rope, Hadar will close off her cur­rent Eu­ro­pean run with a set pre­view­ing ma­te­r­ial from her com­ing album “From the ground up”. We will have some pre-re­lease copies avail­able for those that can’t wait.
11:00pm Maria Mendes. Since the re­lease of her 1st album “Along the road” Maria Mendes has gained rave re­views and per­formed at top fes­ti­vals and clubs on three con­ti­nents. Maria’s set will be her Jaz­zA­head debut.
After Maria’s set we will through the stage open for a jam ses­sion, open to all, en­sur­ing the party will con­tinue deep into the night.
More in­for­ma­tion about the Jaz­zA­head club-night can be found on the Jaz­zA­head web­site.