Thursday, January 30, 2014

former cellist of the National Symphony Orchestra - Yvonne Caruthers

Photo: Thom Wolf
I’m a former cellist of the National Symphony Orchestra, in Washington, D.C., with a wide variety of interests in the music world. I hope you’ll explore some of those interests with me on my website and my blog.  Come on in! ~Yvonne Caruthers
Jan 1, 2014 marks the first day in the next chapter of my life, as it’s the first day in 35+ years that I won’t be employed by the National Symphony Orchestra.  I’m looking forward to having time to pursue some of my other interests besides music, and to getting back to practicing music of my choice.

I’d like to re-visit some of the states that the NSO traveled to during the 20 years of their American Residency program (suspended due to budget cuts). I want to use my remaining performing years working with students to inspire them to keep working hard. I’m not sure where I’ll be even six months from now, let alone five years from now, but I’m open to suggestions. 

A clip from my debut solo show, "In Search of the Perfect G-String," from the 2013 Capital Fringe Festival.