Sunday, November 24, 2013

Jazz Legend Sandoval: Music 'Keeps You Alive'

November 22, 201312:01 PM
CELESTE HEADLEE, HOST: Now we take a moment to highlight and salute another artist. Jazz-great Arturo Sandoval received the Presidential Medal of Freedom this week from President Obama. Sandoval was born and raised in Cuba, where he was once jailed just for listening to jazz music. So he packed up his trumpet and moved to the United States. A country he says gave him the freedom to fill the air with his music. Here's what the president said about him at the ceremony.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Today, Arturo is an American citizen and one of the most celebrated trumpet players in the world. There isn't any place on Earth where the people don't know about jazz, he says. And that's true in part because musicians like him have sacrificed so much to play it.

HEADLEE: And play it he did. Here he is playing with jazz legend Dizzy Gillespie on his 1982 tune "Wheatleigh Hall."


HEADLEE: I had the pleasure of speaking with Arturo Sandoval back in August, and it's clear his love for the art form is as strong as ever.

ARTURO SANDOVAL: Jazz is the most important art form created in this country. We have to carry that legacy and let everybody - younger generation - that this is a beautiful music created in this country. And, you know, the people love and admire and respect jazz immensely.
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