Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sethstat is celebrating JAZZ with new album release!

If you are a jazz artist, there is surely no better way to celebrate April - theJazz Appreciation Month (JAM) and theInternational Jazz Day ,  than to release a greatNEW jazz ALBUM !
SETHSTAT, one of the most unique jazz bands from the Balkans, is joining the fest by releasing its sixth album: PETITE CINÈMATIQUE will be OUT on the 30th of April 2013,available for download on all popular online music stores.
Listen album preview: https://soundcloud.com/sethstat/petite-cinematique-album/s-ToMCo
Tracks preview: http://odaconnexio.mk/promo_cd_oda_artists/promo-cd.html
Read more: https://www.storyamp.com/dispatch/2968/e4c0afcef20e0b5048aac8f65f3e4639