Thursday, March 28, 2013

Beverly Kenney After Dark

Reprinted from

As you'll see in the videoclip below, only Hugh Hefner could pour Champagne and then rest his forearm across the top of the bottle. On Hef's Playboy's Penthouse TV show in late 1959 or early 1960, one of his guests was singer Beverly Kenney. Amazing Kenney could remember the lyrics with her host staring at her so intently. But to Kenney's credit, she did manage to coax Hefner into singing with her on Makin' Whoopee. And it turns out he had quite a nice voice. 
In April 1960—not long after her appearance on Playboy's Penthouse—Kenney committed suicide by combining excessive alcohol and Seconal. It was her second known attempt. She was 28 years old.
Here she is with Hugh Hefner, couresy of JazzWax reader Stuart Yasaki...
Used with permission by Marc Myers