Saturday, September 8, 2012

Izaías e seus Chorões - Pedacinho do Céu (Waldir Azevedo)

Izaías Bueno de Almeida began playing mandolin at 10 years of age. When was presented by Jacob's Mandolin, has become the most respected mandolinist São Paulo. Israel then passed to the guitar playing bossa nova, and the guitar, integrating sets ie-ie-ie. The early '70s also marked the birth of His Chorões Izaías and, with the current lineup, together for over ten years.

Izaías Bueno de Almeida - Mandolin
Israel Bueno de Almeida - 7 string guitar
Edmilson Capelupi - 6:07 guitar strings
Arnaldinho do Cavaco - ukulele
José Reli - tambourine

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