Sunday, August 12, 2012

UW-Eau Claire to Digitize Rare Jazz Collection

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- A collection of rare jazz recordings has arrived at its new home at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, where archivists plan to digitize the music for future generations to enjoy.
The collection was owned by Pete Peterson, a Texan who led a big band for 60 years.
UW-Eau Claire music professor Ron Keezer found out about the collection, which includes sheet music and about 1,000 records. Keezer says the collection was worth more than $200,000, but Peterson offered it for $75,000 after he learned about UW-Eau Claire's award-winning jazz program.
A moving truck recently completed the 20-hour journey to the Eau Claire campus. Archivists are going through the material now.
Keezer says the music will be digitized so it can be shared worldwide.