Monday, April 25, 2011

Young woman who studies music protect brain in old age.....

The many hours devoted to learning music has benefits over the long term, shows a study published in the online version of the journal Neuropsychology, the American Psychological Association.

Research indicates that those who played musical instruments for many years seem to form a natural protection against cognitive losses that often occur during old age.

Even if these people have dropped the instrument at some point in their lives, the mind is still sharp in old age shows when compared to those who never learned music.

A group of 70 musicians aged between 60 and 83 years underwent various tests of memory and ability to capture new information, among other situations.

The result is that fared better in trials who played music for nine and ten. This suggests that the more people play, the more benefits will in the future.

The piano was as the most popular among musicians, followed by the woodwinds. All were amateurs and they had in common started music lessons at around ten years.

The study also considered the physical condition and educational level of participants.And what caught our attention, that there is also the relationship between cognitive ability and years of musical activity or if the volunteers were not involved with music today.

The discovery shows that brain function can be changed and the music can be a subject for future considerations because it involves a combination of motor skills, reading, hearing and repetitive actions.