Thursday, February 17, 2011

Zero e um - Ett och noll - a short movie, the single - SIMETRIA: Bo Kasper in Brazil

This is a video that became a short movie.
It is a sum of Brazilian, Swedish and Finnish emotions which we pretty much believe it has a lot in common with everybody in the world. The video is for the single "Zero e um (Ett och noll)" - "SIMETRIA: Bo Kaspers in Brazil by Eduardo & his Brazilian Aeroplane". Music already available at the The band and the movie director is proud to inform that Jarmo Mäkinen, very popular Finnish actor in Sweden for normally playing the role of the bad guy, won't get shot in the end of this movie. This is a continuation of the band's "TELEPATIA: J.Karjalainen in Brazil" which is currently being sold also on iTunes.