Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Madeleine would probably be offended if you told her....

Madeleine would probably be offended if you told her, to her face, that she was just a singer/songwriter. Sure, she writes all of her own songs and yes, she does in fact sing them, but the label of female singer/songwriter seems a bit limiting when speaking about her music.

Of course, a quick look at Madeleine's ipod reveals a love of the chanteuse; there's Sarah McLachlan, Carole King, Natalie Merchant, Jewel, and Fiona Apple. Right next to these artists however, is the Talking Heads, Elvis Costello, Jeff Buckley, Radiohead, Television, David Bowie, and other, more dissimilar artists.

Madeleine seems to intrinsically understand that to paint herself into a corner as a FEMALE artist or SINGER/SONGWRITER would be artistic suicide. She wants to make her mark aside from any type of preconceived category of musician. It may be clichéd to say "Don't put her in a box" but the cliché rings true here. You just can't quite pin Madeleine McMillan down, and that most certainly is a good thing.