Saturday, February 27, 2010

Music Lovers vs. Audio Lovers

By Alan, February 7, 2010
Having a website about vinyl records, I occasionally attract folks from the audiophile crowd. Of course, this is great. When it comes to musical formats, audiophiles know where it's at (vinyl, duh!). Of course, there also seem to be a big group of audiophiles who don't seem to care that much about music. They just like the way it sounds on certain pieces of gear--not necessarily how much it resonates within you.

This is crap. Why listen to music then? Why not just listen to yourself talk? I mean, if I was a millionaire, you know I'd have a nice setup with McIntosh amps and JM Lab speakers, and a comfy seat set right up in the sweet spot, but this gear in no way effects how I feel about the music. I admit that having gear that can get LOUD without distortion helps a bit...loud music certainly does stir the soul, but whether you're listening on a $75 shelf system, or an iPod with headphones, or some krazy $50,000 rig, the music doesn't change.

Audiophiles love to debate about how all kinds of specifications (that are measured with precision instruments in labs) are SOOOOPER important to how the music sounds and how this piece of gear does this, or this piece of gear does that, and I'll admit (I like gadgets too), it's kinda cool, but the music isn't so much different based on what it's played through.

Where music is really going to affect you and nourish your soul--it's all psychological. It's all within you. If you connect with a piece of music, it doesn't matter what it's played through. What's going to make you feel good is everything that happens after the music leaves the speakers and enters your ears.

I'm a music lover, how about you?