Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sao Paulo / BRAZIL Agenda: Inside the sounds of our "Paulicéia Desvairada"

The Blog Farofa Moderna (here at Blogger) is in an interesting partnership with the blog Paulicéia Jazz, created by journalist Luis JAZZofilo Delcides. With a few months on the road, the blogger Luis has developed an interesting initiative to create a space that is a calendar and a news blog about everything that happens in the instrumental scene in São Paulo.

You, São Paulo people, wants to know where and when shows will be interesting this week or weeks in Sao Paulo? Well no, go to where Paulicéia Jazz and you have the main events related to the world of jazz and instrumental music at the Circuit de São Paulo city. Moreover, not only the agendas of the houses of the shows, but Paulicéia also discloses the agendas of major musicians and bands from Sao Paulo: Michel Leme, Thiago Alves, Alex Buck, Flavio Barba, Nene, Clear Mind, Michel Leme and Firma, Reteté Big Band , Sinequanon, Curupira Trio, among many others.

And the Modern Blog Farofa not only supports the initiative of the Paulicéia also be willing to disclose it. In exchange for direct support to Paulicéia, Luis Delcides titles will also be in this space, bringing the ads in some major shows taking place in pubs and concert halls from São Paulo such as Jazz in the Funds, Auditorio Ibirapuera Bourbon Street and SESC's (Pompeii and Vila Mariana ), among other places.

To access the aquivo these and other news, shows and ads, the SP, go with Sao Paulo in the Agenda sections Archives by names and / or Reviews and Curiosities. Besides these two links, you can see daily updates of Paulicéia the link provided in section Jazz news on the web. I hope that enjoy the idea of getting inside the "cultural ballads" of our gray, and bustling nightlife São Paulo!
by Farofa Moderna