Saturday, September 26, 2009

Robert Crumb's Heroes of Jazz - Portraits

Some say that the comics not SO AS within the concept of art itself. But others acknowledge that some of these illustrated stories have played an important vehicle of expression, ideologies, philosophies, and critical of the policies and capitalist, and in some cases, to promote the other languages as artistic Jazz and Blues example. So was the chain of recognition that cartoonists and illustrators such as Robert Crumb, is currently worshiped in various countries of the world.

Robert Dennis Crumb was born in 1943 in Philadelfia, Pennsylvania. Grew up in a family of middle-class unhappy with a father who, when not away serving in the Navy (his father was a sergeant of the division of Marines), raped him and his brothers. But since childhood, Robert Crumb has developed a passion for so-called Comix and Comics: he even created a comix with his brother with a few runs, selling them at school and on their doors, but they have much success. In adolescence, many facts have continued to disturb your life, including the suicide of his brother with whom he shared a taste for comics. So, not long before that, in the mid-'60s, Robert Crumb to move to Cleveland, Ohio, to live with a writer friend named Marty Pahls.

In Cleveland, Crumb met the biggest names in underground comix and bohemian place (including Buzzy Linhart, Liz Johnston and Harvey Pekar) developing in great ties of friendship that would provide great partnerships and great achievements a step further: Its first achievement was found, with other artists of the time, Zap Comix, an illustrated magazine and distributed by hand in small runs. The Zap Comix started making a considerable success and went on to publish most of the big names of the underground comix era. Soon after, he worked in the Journal Help, Harvey Kurtzman, where he began to climb to national stardom with one of the most original and well known characters, the satirical or Fritz the Cat Fritz the Cat: it was a cat problem and fully submerged drugs, with existential crises, crises loving and totally given to sex.

But Crumb's career was just beginning when in 1967, attracted by the calls to newspapers and magazines in San Francisco, a center of hippie culture moved from Cleveland to this city where he had greater national prominence. From there the success of Robert Crumb never stopped. He was even one of the names of two heavily cited by the hippie culture that protested to the neo-liberal system, the War and the supposed illusion of the "American dream" ... finally, all the comics of Crumb brings such features as critical to the system, the demons of the common man and his life, drugs such as LSD, sex, skepticism to one's life and commitment to jazz and blues as safety valves. So much so that many of his stories were autobiographical ....
Robert Crumb, who came to sign his comix only as R. Crumb has created many real and fictional characters during his career: the most famous of Fritz the Cat, American Splendor which tells the life of his friend grouchy and unhappy Harvey Pekar and the series narran stories of ancient times of Blues and Jazz, as the card set called "Heroes of the Blues" featuring several stories and several pictures of most major bluesman who emerged from the early twentieth century until the 40th. There is also a book (accompanied by CD) more complete entitled "R. Crumb 's Heroes of Blues, Jazz, & Country" which features a fantastic overview of these three musicians American styles of the early and the same type of card set of blues , ie, with stories and pictures illustrated the biggest names of those styles starting at 1900 until the 40's: Robert Crumb, who now plays in a band called Cheap Suit Serenadersui (the band plays traditional jazz, cajun, blues and country), is a antiquarian and enthusiast who cultivates the pure mainstream jazz, blues and country, as he is not accustomed to modern forms post-40's of their respective cultures. Here in Brazil, his work is being launched by the publisher Conrad. He currently lives in France in the midst of many comix and numerous LPs Jazz, Blues and Country. But it draws more, just live quietly.