Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tom Jobim....

"My father was born in São Paulo/My grandfather, pernambucano/my great-grandfather, mineiro/My great-great-grandfather, Bahiano/My sovereign teacher/Was Antonio Brasileiro."
In this song of Chico Buarque, Tone Jobim is cited as a species of arquetípic founder of the Brazilian nationality. Antonio Brazilian Carlos Jobim was born in the Tijuca, in Rio De Janeiro. To the four years of age, he changed himself with the parents for the South Zone, starting to live in the quarter of Ipanema and later in Copacabana. Attracted by music, he made studies of piano with professor Hans Joachim Koellreuter, in the college whose managing she was its mother, Nilza owner. He passed in the vestibular contest for architecture, but he attended a course only two years. In 1949, he was married Thereza Hermanny, with who he had two children, Pablo and Elizabeth. He arranged job as pianista of the Radio Club of Brazil and soon he started to touch in bars.
To guarantee the survival, he worked as arranjador for the Continental recorder. Its first compositions had included famous partnerships with Newton Mendonça, who would be its partner in " Desafinado" , and Billy Blanco, with who would compose its first great success, " Tereza of the Praia". Presented the Vinícius de Moraes for the critic Lucio Rangel, Tone Jobim was invited to compose the melodies of " Orfeu of the Conceição" , part that estreou in 1956. Elisete Cardoso recorded " Song of the Demais" Love; in 1958, that it signaled a prosperous partnership between Vinícius and Jobim. Already recognized as one of the biggest Brazilian composers, Jobim wrote a dedicated symphony Brasilia. In 1959, it received the Palm from Gold, in Cannes, and the Oscar for the sonorous track of the film " Orfeu Negro" , directed for Albert Camus, inspired by " Orfeu of the Conceição".
Tom Jobim composed with Vinícius de Morais, in 1963, the music would become that it world-wide famous, "The Girl of Ipanema" , a species of Brazilian hymn that received hundreds from writings. In 1967, it composed " Wave" , also a song of great impact. In the decade of 1970, Tone was married for the second time, with the photographer Ana Beatriz Otter, at the time with only 19 years, with who it had two children, João Francisco and Maria Luiza. With one well-succeeded career of shows, writings, interviews and homages, Tom Jobim were divided enter Brazil and the United States. In 1993, some composers, between them Herbie Hancock and Ron Carter, had made a tribute the Tone Jobim, in the Free Jazz Festival, São Paulo. Still in this year, Jobim launched a new album, " Antonio Brasileiro" , with participation of Dorival Caymmi and Sting. After if presenting in two occasions in the Carnegie Hall, in New York, Tone Jobim made its last show in Jerusalem, in 1994. Acometido of circulatórios problems, carried through a series of examinations, to the end of which a cancer in the bladder was evidenced. Jobim was operated in the Mount Medical Sinai Center, in New York, in day 6 of December of 1994. Two days later, it had a respiratory stop and it faleceu. Its body was transferred to embedded Brazil and in Rio De Janeiro.