Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Eiffel Tower Gets a Makeover at 120....

The iconic Eiffel Tower celebrated its 120th anniversary Tuesday. It was inaugurated at the World's Fair in Paris in 1889 and, until 1929, was the tallest building in the world. It remains the tallest building in the city.

World famous now, the Eiffel Tower was a breath-taking novelty in March 31, 1889, when it was the centerpiece of the World's Fair in Paris. Engineer Gustave Eiffel constructed the Eiffel Tower to be the entrance arch to the Exposition Universelle -- or World's Fair-- in Paris in 1889. Eiffel expected about 500,000 visitors a year. In 2006, it drew more than 6.5 million people.
Tthe Eiffel Tower seen from the Champ de Mars in Paris is a familiar sight, although in the past the tower has been painted red, orange and yellow. It's maintained a signature brown color, which overseers say best accents the Paris skyline, since 1968. In the City of Light, nothing shines brighter than the Eiffel Tower.