Sunday, December 21, 2008

Banner Festivals - 3

On the verge of finalizing the Academic Course and celebrating the entrance of the summer it returns the Jazz to the university spaces of Guadalajara and Alcalá de Henares. We present/display this second edition of Universijazz Alcala with a programming loaded of swing, harmony and improvisation that we hoped is the delight of all the fans to music.
In the previous edition already we had an extraordinary acceptance of the public to the proposed musical route like answer to the necessity of a musical supply around the jazz. To this answer it contributed the success in the election of the university spaces where the concerts take place: the Audience of the Chapel of the Remedies in Guadalajara and the Chapel of San Ildefonso and the Patio of Santo Tomás de Villanueva in the city of Alcalá.
Universijazz Alcalá arrives thus at this second call with programming from concerts, in that groups of first level will participate, that comes preceded from an inaugural conference pronounced by Juan Carlos Cifuentes, perhaps the most legendary disseminator of the wealth of the jazz; their words will approach the origin and different evolutions from this music.
Universijazz Alcala has wanted in addition to propose to the public an installment of 4 concerts, for Alcala or Guadalajara, that will allow the access to the Room and that is accompanied with a CD in which a musical selection of some of the participant groups in this edition meets.
From the Society of Artists of Spain (IEA, Artists Interpreters or Executants) and the University of Alcala we want to appreciate the collaboration of the Council of Culture of the Meeting of Castilla-La Mancha, as well as the support provided by numerous bookstores and places of encounter of Alcala and Guadalajara, and hoped that this edition makes enjoy to the public of this great music that as it says our last Cervantes Prize, the poet Juan Gelman, “is touched for the other and thus the deep root of its freedom is watered”.